Goal 18: Learn 150 interesting words – The First 25

    1. Fabulist – 1. a person who invents or relates fables. 2.a liar. In a sentence: “I’m thinking about writing a screenplay called Fabulist Fabulist. It would be perfect for Jim Carey” 2. Bathetic – displaying or characterized by bathos. 3. Harridan – a scolding, vicious woman; hag; shrew. 4. Ataraxia – a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity. 5. Franchise – the right to vote. 6. Disbosom – to reveal; confess. 7. Potvaliancy (noun) – Brave only as a result of being drunk. 8. Empurple – To color or become purple or […]

Jumping out of a plane and other progress updates

Goal #24 Jump out of a plane (preferably with a parachute) – COMPLETED!! All I can say about that 1 second when you jump out of plane for the first time is, it’s freaking surreal! I wasn’t scared at all. I wasn’t even nervous. I was surprisingly calm for someone who’s about to leap off a […]

2013 Progress Update #2

Goal #10 Try vegetarianism for a month (happening right now) This is happening right now! Feburary, 2013 is THE month. Of course I would pick the shortest month in a non-leap year to try this, despite many friends telling me to pick a summer month to get better and more variety of vegetables. I grew […]

Progress Update: September, 2012

Goal #1 Visit 50 states (in progress) I went to Telluride, Colorado for the Risk and Reward Library Conference (aka R2 Conference), which was hands down the best library conference I’ve ever attended. The entire conference challenged convention library thinking. Everything was planned and executed meticulously. It was such an exciting experience. However, while I was intrigued […]